
Is my camera compatible with Arsenal 2?

Arsenal 2 works with many of the most popular DSLR and mirrorless camera models. To see if your camera is currently supported, search for your model on our Supported Cameras List.

Arsenal 2 only works with the cameras on the Supported Camera List, so if your camera isn’t listed there unfortunately Arsenal 2 will not work with it.

I don’t see my camera or camera brand supported? Vote for It!

Unfortunately, we can’t add support for every camera. Lack of camera support is usually for one of two reasons:

  1. API limitations. Arsenal 2 controls cameras over the camera’s USB tethering interface. While there is a standard for controlling cameras over USB (called PTP), it’s up to the cameras to decide which functions are provided over the USB API. Some cameras don’t provide the needed functionality over USB to allow it to work with Arsenal.
  2. Demand. There’s quite a large cost in development, testing, and support for each camera we support. Older cameras especially have more support cost. Since we’re still a small team, we have to look at the demand when deciding which cameras to add. Also, adding a new camera from an already supported line is much easier than adding new lines or bands.

That said, we’re adding support for new cameras all the time. And we base those decisions on feedback from you!

If you want to register a vote go here. Enter your email on the right side of the screen, and then enter your camera info on the next page. We’ll keep you updated as we add new cameras in the future, and if we get enough votes for a camera we may add it!

What’s the difference between the Arsenal 1 and Arsenal 2?

A whole lot. There’s a handy comparison chart on our Home page that shows the benefits of Arsenal 2, but in case you missed it:

  • New features: Deep Color, Crowd Control, Panorama, Night Assist
  • Arsenal 2 is 300% faster than Arsenal 1
  • Onboard Micro SD card slot for saving stacked images, timelapses, DeepColor photos
  • Upgraded hardware
  • New WiFi chip. The new chip is a big improvement both in speed, reliability, and with the new antenna configuration—range

Are there any limitations on specific cameras?

Due to limitations on the camera and/or the camera’s API capabilities, there are a few camera-specific limitations. They are:

  • Fuji cameras do not support handheld mode
  • See Night Assist FAQ for lens requirements
  • Because Panorama shooting uses live view to show a preview, cameras that lock the shutter button when live view is on require pressing the + button in the app to take each photo.

What can Crowd Control remove from a scene?

Crowd Control relies on moving objects having more variance than the background to eliminate moving objects from scenes. To remove objects, the background must be visible in at least 25% of the photos. CrowdControl lets you preview the final shot as shots are taken so you can press stop once everything is eliminated. However if the background isn’t visible enough in a certain area (for example someone never moves to reveal the background), Crowd Control will not be able to remove that object.

Will my camera/lens work with Night Assist?

Night photography pushes modern cameras to their limits. Due to the Earth’s rotation, cameras/lenses need to be able to capture enough light in a short (less than 30 seconds usually) amount of time. Longer shots will result in stars showing up as lines.

Longer lenses usually need to let in more light to prevent stars from streaking (which will also negatively impact night focus). The chart below shows our recommendation for lenses and speed. NightAssist is designed for wide field night photography (large landscapes shot with wide angle lenses, for example full Milky Way shots), not deepsky photography (close ups on planets or nebulae, etc.).

Full Frame Cameras:

  • 14mm f/4
  • 20mm f/2.8
  • 35mm f2.0
  • 50mm f/1.8
  • >50mm not recommended

Crop Sensor Cameras:

  • 14mm f/2.8
  • 20mm f/2.0
  • 35mm f1.8
  • >35mm not recommended

What’s the Micro SD card slot for?

The Micro SD slot onboard Arsenal will allow you to:

  • Save stacked photos (Deep Color, Crowd Control, exposure bracketing, focus stacks, and long exposure stacks)
  • Save timelapses as 1080p h264 videos
  • Immediately make an extra backup of photos, for those single card slot cameras (like the Canon EOS R/RP, Nikon Z6/Z7)

You don’t have to have a Micro SD onboard Arsenal if you aren’t using any of those features at that time. Your non-stacked images will still save to your camera’s SD card.

How will Arsenal 2 handle stacking and DNG files?

All stacked images will be sent to your phone as a JPG, or you can save the JPG and/or a 16-bit DNG file to Arsenal 2’s Micro SD card slot.

Does Arsenal 2 come with a warranty?

Yep, it’s a 1 year warranty. If you have any issues from normal use send it back and we’ll get you a new one. Applies to Arsenal 2 device only; does not apply to cables, power adapter, and accessories. Legal stuff here.

How long does Arsenal 2’s battery last?

Short answer: Approximately four to five hours with typical use.
Long answer: Arsenal 2’s battery life depends a lot on environmental conditions, how you use it, and on which camera. If you’re doing a lot of stacking the battery will drain faster. If you will be shooting for more than four hours at a time, please plan on charging. To make that easier, Arsenal 2 can be charged while in use through a micro USB-compatible battery pack (not included, but can be purchased as an accessory on the order page).

What phones are compatible with the Arsenal 2 app?

Arsenal 2 lets you control your camera from any modern iOS or Android smartphone. Arsenal 2 will support any iPhone or iPod Touch running iOS 12.0 or newer, and any Android phone running Oreo (8.0) or newer.

Does Arsenal 2 need an internet connection?

Arsenal 2 doesn't need an internet connection to work in the field (except for sharing photos). You will occasionally need an internet connection to update Arsenal's software and firmware.

Can I use my tablet with Arsenal 2’s app?

We currently only support phones for Arsenal’s mobile app. Some backers have used the mobile app on tablets and it works great, but that’s not the case on all tablets. As such, we can’t guarantee a good experience there and recommend you use Arsenal with a modern Android or iOS phone.

Will software/firmware be updated in the future?

Yes, since Arsenal 2 communicates with your iOS or Android smartphone, firmware upgrades can be loaded from the app. When new app versions or firmware are ready, the app will let you know and give you the option to update.

Should I upgrade to Arsenal 2 if I have Arsenal 1?

We think the new features on Arsenal 2 are a very compelling reason to upgrade, but even if you don’t think you’ll use the new features, Arsenal 2 is a huge improvement in performance, speed, and overall experience.

We will continue to support Arsenal 1, but a lot of what we learned from Arsenal 1 has gone into making Arsenal 2 a big improvement.

Can I use Arsenal 2 handheld? (without a tripod)


Arsenal 2 has a handheld mode which you can start by holding the power button down for three seconds. In handheld mode you can hold the camera and shoot like you would when not using a tripod (without needing to use your phone). On DSLR’s the handheld AI mode leaves the mirror down (so you can see out of the viewfinder). It constantly adjusts settings instead of changing them when you push the button on the app. The only limitation is you have to take a photo for Arsenal to compute some of the AI features and dynamic range. So if you change to a new scene, you might have to take a shot for it to recalculate. On Mirrorless cameras, there’s a handheld mode that does all of the AI calculations and continually updates settings.

*Unfortunately, due to a technical limitation on Fuji’s API, handheld mode is not supported on Fuji cameras.

What's in the box?

Arsenal 2 ships with:

  • 1 Arsenal 2 hardware device
  • 1 USB cable for connecting to your supported camera
  • 1 USB charging cable

Can I still get a replacement USB cable for Arsenal 1?

Yes, head to the Arsenal 1 USB Cable ordering page.

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